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6 months ago
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6 months ago
9 months ago
How dare you be ugly
She doesn't even care but they do.Regardless if being ugly is such a capital crime for some how about we petition the government to make it illegal?
We came up with 5 reasons why being ugly should be illegal!

Here are five tongue-in-cheek reasons why being ugly should be illegal:

"The Eyesore Elimination Act": Ugly people are just too darn distracting! By making ugliness illegal, we can finally rid the world of unsightly sights and ensure that everyone's retinas remain unscathed by offensive appearances.

"The Public Health Hazard Hypothesis": Ugly faces are like contagious diseases—they spread negativity and lower morale wherever they go. By outlawing ugliness, we can protect the public from the psychological harm caused by encountering unattractive individuals.

"The Beauty is a Birthright Bill": Everyone deserves to be beautiful, darn it! By criminalizing ugliness, we can ensure that every citizen has access to the necessary resources and procedures to maintain a flawless facade, because let's face it, appearances are everything.

"The Happiness Harmony Mandate": Ugly people are just plain miserable, and their gloomy vibes bring down the mood for everyone else. By enforcing beauty standards, we can create a happier, more harmonious society where everyone looks like they stepped out of a glossy magazine cover.

"The Mirror Meltdown Manifesto": Imagine a world where every reflection is a vision of perfection! By outlawing ugliness, we can spare countless innocent mirrors from the trauma of having to reflect unattractive faces. After all, mirrors have feelings too!
How dare you be ugly


