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1 year ago
A tattoo she will never regret
Tattoos should represent something you truly love
Here are five hilariously dumb tattoo ideas:

The "Spelling Bee Champion": Get a tattoo of a dictionary on your back with the word "dictionary" misspelled. It's a surefire way to keep your friends entertained and your English teacher cringing.

The "Regrettable Emoji": Get a tattoo of your favorite emoji on your forearm, but make sure it's the one with the crossed-out face. It's a constant reminder of the questionable decisions you've made in life.

The "Meme Masterpiece": Get a tattoo of the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme on your calf, but replace the people with images of your own face. It's a meta tribute to internet culture that's guaranteed to age like fine wine – or milk left out in the sun.

The "Questionable Quote": Get a tattoo of a motivational quote on your ribcage, but have it written in Comic Sans font. Because nothing says "serious life advice" like the font of choice for elementary school birthday party invitations.

The "Food Fiasco": Get a tattoo of a slice of pizza on your thigh, but have it look so realistic that people try to grab a bite. It's a deliciously dumb idea that's bound to leave you hungry for more – both pizza and questionable life choices.
A tattoo she will never regret


