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1 year ago
Learn from their mistake
Traumatizing young children has never been easier.
Here are five humorous reasons why scary movies might be inappropriate for 12-year-olds:
"The Bedtime Boogeyman Bonanza": Watching scary movies might turn bedtime into a battle against imaginary monsters lurking in the closet and under the bed. Forget about counting sheep; they'll be counting zombies instead!
"The Nightmare Neighbor Nuisance": After watching a particularly spooky flick, every shadow, creak, and rustle in the night becomes a potential threat. Your neighbors will love the late-night visits when your kid insists on sleeping with all the lights on!
"The Haunted House Party Pooper": Hosting a sleepover with friends after watching a scary movie might seem like a fun idea, but it could quickly turn into a ghost-hunting expedition with pillow forts and blankets barricading the doors.
"The Paranormal Parental Panic": Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of parents quite like a 12-year-old who's just watched a horror movie. Every bump in the night will have them jumping out of their skin, convinced that the house is haunted or that there's a monster in the closet.
"The Terrifying Toilet Time": After watching a scary movie, even the most mundane activities can become spine-tingling experiences. Your 12-year-old might find themselves sprinting down the hallway after using the bathroom, convinced that something is lurking in the shower curtain.
Here are five humorous reasons why scary movies might be inappropriate for 12-year-olds:
"The Bedtime Boogeyman Bonanza": Watching scary movies might turn bedtime into a battle against imaginary monsters lurking in the closet and under the bed. Forget about counting sheep; they'll be counting zombies instead!
"The Nightmare Neighbor Nuisance": After watching a particularly spooky flick, every shadow, creak, and rustle in the night becomes a potential threat. Your neighbors will love the late-night visits when your kid insists on sleeping with all the lights on!
"The Haunted House Party Pooper": Hosting a sleepover with friends after watching a scary movie might seem like a fun idea, but it could quickly turn into a ghost-hunting expedition with pillow forts and blankets barricading the doors.
"The Paranormal Parental Panic": Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of parents quite like a 12-year-old who's just watched a horror movie. Every bump in the night will have them jumping out of their skin, convinced that the house is haunted or that there's a monster in the closet.
"The Terrifying Toilet Time": After watching a scary movie, even the most mundane activities can become spine-tingling experiences. Your 12-year-old might find themselves sprinting down the hallway after using the bathroom, convinced that something is lurking in the shower curtain.