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1 year ago
HA doesn't help
BS doesn't either.
Ads are a part of the fun! That's why we have to compensate with a lot of memes for members (since you see none if you log in).
Here are some reasons a company might tell you disabling ads on the tv you bought own and paid for is never good:

"Because who needs uninterrupted viewing when you can play 'ad bingo' and guess which product will pop up next? It's like a surprise party for your remote control!"

"Why disable ads when you can turn your living room into a free-market battleground? It's like Black Friday every day, but without the bruises!"

"Forget peace and quiet! Embrace the chaos of commercial breaks! It's like a mini-vacation to 'Adland,' where the grass is always greener and the jingles never end!"

"Why disable ads when you can turn your TV into a pop culture time machine? It's like traveling back to the '80s, but with more product placement!"

"Who needs sanity when you can have a constant barrage of advertising? It's like having a personal salesperson in your living room, 24/7! Because nothing says 'relaxation' like being told what to buy every five minutes!"
HA doesn't help


