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1 year ago
Find some joy in your job!
Find a job you like and you'll never work a day in your life....monetize your hobby and you'll soon learn to hate it
Have a Witch Spell Pun
For Cat-astrophic Puns:
"Whisker of cat and meow of kitten,
Turn my words into puns that'll have 'em smitten.
With a snap of my fingers and a cackle or two,
Let the cat puns flow like morning dew!"
Have a Witch Spell Pun
For Cat-astrophic Puns:
"Whisker of cat and meow of kitten,
Turn my words into puns that'll have 'em smitten.
With a snap of my fingers and a cackle or two,
Let the cat puns flow like morning dew!"