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1 year ago
That's called holding a dog for ransome
It's quite illegal I've learned
These ways of holding someones dog for ransom are at least childishly funny

The "Paw-some Pup" Proposition:
Send the owner a ransom note written in "paw-nese," demanding a hefty ransom of treats, belly rubs, and squeaky toys in exchange for the safe return of their beloved fur baby. Don't forget to include a picture of the dog wearing a tiny bandit mask for dramatic effect!

The "Fur-napping Fiasco" Fake-Out:
Dress the dog in a tiny detective costume and send the owner ransom demands written in comic sans font, complete with exaggerated ransom demands like "One million belly scratches or the pawsome pupper gets it!"

The "Bark-tastic Blackmail" Bluff:
Create a ransom video featuring the dog holding a newspaper with the current date and barking out demands for an endless supply of gourmet dog treats and a lifetime subscription to Doggy Digest magazine. It's a pawsitively adorable way to negotiate!

The "Puppy Pirate" Plot:
Leave a series of treasure map clues leading to secret hiding spots where the dog is waiting, dressed as a pirate captain with an eyepatch and a tiny sword. Each clue reveals a piece of the ransom puzzle, leading to a buried treasure of doggy delights.

The "Fur-tive Fiasco" Farce:
Stage a mock doggy heist, complete with an elaborate ransom drop involving briefcases full of tennis balls and chew toys. The owner receives mysterious calls from "Doggy Da Vinci," demanding ransom payments in the form of gourmet kibble and artisanal dog biscuits.
That's called holding a dog for ransome


