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9 months ago
You need punctuation my guy
Correct punctuation is a must in this case. Here are some other punctuation mishaps you should avoid:

"The Innuendo Apostrophe": Apostrophes are like the punctuation marks that sneakily suggest there's something possessive going on... or maybe they're just winking at you from the sidelines, whispering, "You and me, we've got something special."

"The Seductive Sizzle of the Semicolon": Semicolons are like the flirtatious liaisons of the punctuation world; they're the grammar equivalent of a wink and a smile, suggesting that there's more to come but leaving you hanging in anticipation.

"The Tease of the Parentheses": Parentheses are like the side whispers of punctuation; they're the little asides that invite you into a secret world of extra information (or maybe just a cheeky joke) before returning you to the main event.

"The Quirky Quotation Quip": Quotation marks are like the punctuation marks that know how to throw shade with style; they're the written equivalent of air quotes, suggesting that maybe, just maybe, there's a hidden meaning lurking beneath the surface.

"The Cheeky Colon Connection": Colons are like the punctuation marks that insist on introducing you to their friends; they're the grammatical matchmakers who love nothing more than to pair up related ideas and let them mingle in your sentences.
You need punctuation my guy


