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1 year ago
Economic Facts Nudes versus NFTs
Large supply affects demand and price. Paying for nudes? Even Bored Apes can hold a LITTLE value!
Here's why paying for nudes is worse then buying NFT's and ultimately a bad financial decision:
"You're Investing in Non-Fungible Teases": Congratulations, you've just entered the world of non-fungible teases—digital assets that are as fleeting as they are questionable. Sure, you own the rights to that tantalizing image, but good luck convincing anyone it's worth more than a pixelated peek.
"You're Contributing to the NFT Craze... Just Not in the Art World": While everyone else is busy trading digital artwork for exorbitant sums, you're pioneering the next frontier of NFTs: Notoriously Fickle Tantalizations. Who needs a virtual Mona Lisa when you can have a virtual... well, you get the idea.
"You're Turning Your Wallet into a Digital Art Museum... of Sorts": Forget about buying actual art for your walls—your wallet is now a digital art museum showcasing a collection of pixelated masterpieces. Just don't expect any museum grants or tax breaks for your... ahem, contributions.
"You're Embracing the Digital Renaissance... with Open Wallets": Move over, Michelangelo—there's a new Renaissance in town, and it's digital. By investing in digital nudes, you're not just supporting artists; you're single-handedly funding a revolution in the art world. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.
"You're Riding the NFT Wave... Straight into Pixelated Obscurity": While others ride the wave of NFT mania to financial glory, you're surfing a different kind of wave—one that leads straight into the murky waters of pixelated obscurity. But hey, at least you're making a splash in the digital world... right?
Here's why paying for nudes is worse then buying NFT's and ultimately a bad financial decision:
"You're Investing in Non-Fungible Teases": Congratulations, you've just entered the world of non-fungible teases—digital assets that are as fleeting as they are questionable. Sure, you own the rights to that tantalizing image, but good luck convincing anyone it's worth more than a pixelated peek.
"You're Contributing to the NFT Craze... Just Not in the Art World": While everyone else is busy trading digital artwork for exorbitant sums, you're pioneering the next frontier of NFTs: Notoriously Fickle Tantalizations. Who needs a virtual Mona Lisa when you can have a virtual... well, you get the idea.
"You're Turning Your Wallet into a Digital Art Museum... of Sorts": Forget about buying actual art for your walls—your wallet is now a digital art museum showcasing a collection of pixelated masterpieces. Just don't expect any museum grants or tax breaks for your... ahem, contributions.
"You're Embracing the Digital Renaissance... with Open Wallets": Move over, Michelangelo—there's a new Renaissance in town, and it's digital. By investing in digital nudes, you're not just supporting artists; you're single-handedly funding a revolution in the art world. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.
"You're Riding the NFT Wave... Straight into Pixelated Obscurity": While others ride the wave of NFT mania to financial glory, you're surfing a different kind of wave—one that leads straight into the murky waters of pixelated obscurity. But hey, at least you're making a splash in the digital world... right?
1 year ago
Rude but not wrong
Don't fall for NFT's but if you have a positive experience feel free to comment.
Here are some reasons the rude guy is right:
"Because nothing says 'investment opportunity' quite like a pixelated picture of a bored ape or a rainbow-shooting cat. Who needs the Mona Lisa when you can have a JPEG of a dancing pickle, right?"
"It's like a virtual version of trading cards, but instead of collecting valuable athletes or historical figures, you're collecting... well, digital cats with a side of existential dread. Not exactly the stuff of dreams."
"Forget the traditional pyramid scheme, NFTs are the new frontier of 'Hey, wanna buy this thing that only exists in the digital ether and may or may not tank in value faster than a lead balloon?'"
"NFTs: Because who needs financial stability when you can spend your life savings on a picture of a monkey wearing sunglasses? It's not just a purchase, it's a lifestyle statement!"
"Why settle for a boring ol' savings account when you can gamble your hard-earned cash on the chance that someone, somewhere, might want to buy your digital rendition of a stick figure with a bad haircut? It's like Vegas, but with more blockchain!"
Here are some reasons the rude guy is right:
"Because nothing says 'investment opportunity' quite like a pixelated picture of a bored ape or a rainbow-shooting cat. Who needs the Mona Lisa when you can have a JPEG of a dancing pickle, right?"
"It's like a virtual version of trading cards, but instead of collecting valuable athletes or historical figures, you're collecting... well, digital cats with a side of existential dread. Not exactly the stuff of dreams."
"Forget the traditional pyramid scheme, NFTs are the new frontier of 'Hey, wanna buy this thing that only exists in the digital ether and may or may not tank in value faster than a lead balloon?'"
"NFTs: Because who needs financial stability when you can spend your life savings on a picture of a monkey wearing sunglasses? It's not just a purchase, it's a lifestyle statement!"
"Why settle for a boring ol' savings account when you can gamble your hard-earned cash on the chance that someone, somewhere, might want to buy your digital rendition of a stick figure with a bad haircut? It's like Vegas, but with more blockchain!"