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1 year ago
Older then her kids
Not aged like a fine wine. If you do insist on staying absolute to that no food waste pledge you made to impress your pro-environment friends here are 5 ways you could eat this extensively expired piece of Italian cuisine possibly a contemporary of Julius Caesar:

The Archaeological Excavation: Treat it like a culinary excavation project and invite some friends over for a "dig." Arm yourselves with shovels and brushes, don safety goggles, and carefully unearth the ancient lasagna layer by layer. Just be sure to have the nearest hospital on speed dial.

The Time Traveler's Tasting Menu: Pretend you're a brave time traveler sampling cuisine from centuries past. Take a cautious bite of the expired lasagna and dramatically exclaim, "Ah yes, the taste of the '90s—decadent, yet strangely reminiscent of cardboard."

The Lasagna Lava Lamp: Turn it into a mesmerizing kitchen decoration by suspending it in a giant glass jar filled with colorful liquid. Watch in awe as the layers of congealed cheese and sauce slowly undulate like a lava lamp from the disco era. Bonus points if you add some funky '90s music to complete the ambiance.

The Lasagna Locomotion Challenge: Turn it into a game by daring your friends to eat a slice of the ancient lasagna without gagging. Whoever can keep it down the longest wins bragging rights and a lifetime supply of antacids.

The Lasagna Liberation Party: Throw a tongue-in-cheek "Lasagna Liberation" party, where you and your friends gather to liberate the expired lasagna from its dusty prison in the back of your pantry. Raise a toast to culinary courage as you take turns attempting to conquer the ancient dish, accompanied by plenty of laughter and stomach-churning anecdotes.
Older then her kids


