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1 year ago
Karen brute-force prompt for AI
Too bad you don't have a manager to bother
Here are five humorous reasons why Karens might get their way:

The "Manager Magnet": Karens possess a magnetic field that attracts managers like moths to a flame. No matter how unreasonable their demands, managers seem unable to resist their gravitational pull.

The "Perpetual Complaint": Karens have mastered the art of complaining to such an extent that even the laws of physics bend to accommodate their grievances. It's like they have a hotline to the complaint department of the universe!

The "Vocal Vortex": Karens have voices that reach frequencies beyond human hearing, causing everyone within earshot to involuntarily comply with their demands. It's like a sonic superpower, but with less saving the world and more asking for the manager.

The "Coupon Conundrum": Karens are armed with an endless supply of expired coupons, and somehow, they always manage to convince the cashier to honor them anyway. It's like a Jedi mind trick, but for cheap groceries.

The "Entitlement Engine": Karens have engines running on pure entitlement, propelling them through life with an unstoppable force. It's like they're driving a tank of entitlement through a world made of customer service reps and unsold merchandise.
Karen brute-force prompt for AI


