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1 year ago
Marketplace negotiator
At least they aren't saying it appreciated in value as all dirty couches tend to do.
Ok let's sprain our marketing muscles shall we? Here are some sales pitches that will get them fighting over your racoon maternity couch!
"The Raccoon Royalty Recliner": Your new couch isn't just a piece of furniture—it's a throne fit for raccoon royalty! Who wouldn't want to lounge like a monarch on a couch where generations of raccoon monarchs have been born and raised?
"The Cozy Critter Condo": With a raccoon's seal of approval, you know your couch is the epitome of comfort and coziness. It's like having a built-in heating pad and furry cuddle buddy rolled into one!
"The Rambunctious Rodent Remodel": Forget about boring old store-bought furniture—your raccoon-birthed couch is a DIY dream come true! With a few strategically placed throw pillows and a healthy dose of Febreze, it'll be like new in no time.
"The Raccoon Renovation Revolution": By investing in a raccoon-birthed couch, you're supporting the ultimate in sustainable design. Who needs fancy upholstery when you have nature's own interior decorators working overtime?
"The Prodigal Pup Pavilion": Your raccoon-birthed couch isn't just a piece of furniture—it's a time capsule of canine chaos! With every scratch mark and chewed-up cushion, it tells the story of a thousand mischievous mutts and their adventures in redecorating.
Remember, these reasons are purely for comedic effect. In reality, spending $3600 on a couch that a raccoon gave birth on might not be the best investment for your wallet or your sanity!
Ok let's sprain our marketing muscles shall we? Here are some sales pitches that will get them fighting over your racoon maternity couch!
"The Raccoon Royalty Recliner": Your new couch isn't just a piece of furniture—it's a throne fit for raccoon royalty! Who wouldn't want to lounge like a monarch on a couch where generations of raccoon monarchs have been born and raised?
"The Cozy Critter Condo": With a raccoon's seal of approval, you know your couch is the epitome of comfort and coziness. It's like having a built-in heating pad and furry cuddle buddy rolled into one!
"The Rambunctious Rodent Remodel": Forget about boring old store-bought furniture—your raccoon-birthed couch is a DIY dream come true! With a few strategically placed throw pillows and a healthy dose of Febreze, it'll be like new in no time.
"The Raccoon Renovation Revolution": By investing in a raccoon-birthed couch, you're supporting the ultimate in sustainable design. Who needs fancy upholstery when you have nature's own interior decorators working overtime?
"The Prodigal Pup Pavilion": Your raccoon-birthed couch isn't just a piece of furniture—it's a time capsule of canine chaos! With every scratch mark and chewed-up cushion, it tells the story of a thousand mischievous mutts and their adventures in redecorating.
Remember, these reasons are purely for comedic effect. In reality, spending $3600 on a couch that a raccoon gave birth on might not be the best investment for your wallet or your sanity!