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1 year ago
It saves money so it's fine
Weird that their kids having a mysterious benefactors doesn't raise any red flags.
Here are five unrealistically stupid tropes about adults in Christmas movies where Santa is real:
The "Belief Blindspot": No matter how much evidence they encounter, the adults in these movies stubbornly refuse to believe in Santa Claus. They'll witness flying reindeer, elves building toys, and even catch glimpses of the man in the red suit himself, yet they dismiss it all as elaborate pranks or hallucinations.
The "Workaholic Wipeout": In these movies, the adults are often portrayed as workaholics who prioritize their careers over everything else, including spending time with their families during the holidays. They'll miss obvious signs of Santa's presence because they're too busy checking their email or attending yet another business meeting.
The "Inept Investigators": When strange occurrences start happening around Christmas time, the adults suddenly turn into bumbling detectives, stumbling over obvious clues and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. Instead of considering the possibility of Santa's existence, they come up with outlandish theories involving aliens, government conspiracies, or rogue snowmen.
The "Santa Scoffers": Despite living in a world where Santa Claus is undeniably real, some adults in these movies will go to great lengths to debunk his existence. They'll organize anti-Santa rallies, start social media campaigns to "expose" him as a fraud, and even petition the government to launch an investigation into his North Pole operations.
The "Miracle Muggles": Even after witnessing the magic of Christmas firsthand, some adults in these movies remain skeptical and cynical, refusing to embrace the spirit of the season. They'll scoff at acts of kindness, roll their eyes at carolers, and grumble about holiday decorations, completely missing out on the joy and wonder of the holiday season.
Here are five unrealistically stupid tropes about adults in Christmas movies where Santa is real:
The "Belief Blindspot": No matter how much evidence they encounter, the adults in these movies stubbornly refuse to believe in Santa Claus. They'll witness flying reindeer, elves building toys, and even catch glimpses of the man in the red suit himself, yet they dismiss it all as elaborate pranks or hallucinations.
The "Workaholic Wipeout": In these movies, the adults are often portrayed as workaholics who prioritize their careers over everything else, including spending time with their families during the holidays. They'll miss obvious signs of Santa's presence because they're too busy checking their email or attending yet another business meeting.
The "Inept Investigators": When strange occurrences start happening around Christmas time, the adults suddenly turn into bumbling detectives, stumbling over obvious clues and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. Instead of considering the possibility of Santa's existence, they come up with outlandish theories involving aliens, government conspiracies, or rogue snowmen.
The "Santa Scoffers": Despite living in a world where Santa Claus is undeniably real, some adults in these movies will go to great lengths to debunk his existence. They'll organize anti-Santa rallies, start social media campaigns to "expose" him as a fraud, and even petition the government to launch an investigation into his North Pole operations.
The "Miracle Muggles": Even after witnessing the magic of Christmas firsthand, some adults in these movies remain skeptical and cynical, refusing to embrace the spirit of the season. They'll scoff at acts of kindness, roll their eyes at carolers, and grumble about holiday decorations, completely missing out on the joy and wonder of the holiday season.