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1 year ago
Two of the worse people
At least he was getting rid of his misogyny. Obviously we are all individuals and these people only speak for themselves but we had to take a inquisitive look at this, is cheating on your boyfriend good? We found out it is but only if you're an asshole. For assholes it seems to just be great and dandy so we compiled a list of why cheating on your boyfriend is a good thing but only if you're an asshole :
"The Relationship Roulette:" Cheating on your boyfriend adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to your relationship, turning it into a high-stakes game of emotional roulette. Who needs trust and stability when you can have betrayal and drama? (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Selfish Satisfaction:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a selfish act, and that's exactly why it's so satisfying. It's like indulging in a guilty pleasure, knowing full well that you're being a total jerk—and reveling in it anyway. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Ego-Boosting Elixir:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a surefire way to boost your ego and inflate your sense of self-importance. After all, what better way to stroke your own ego than by breaking someone else's heart? (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Drama Queen Drama:" Cheating on your boyfriend is like starring in your own personal soap opera, complete with scandalous plot twists and over-the-top melodrama. It's like living out your wildest fantasies of betrayal and deceit—minus the happy ending, of course. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Asshole Advantage:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a good thing if you're an asshole because it allows you to fully embrace your inner jerk. It's like wearing your assholery as a badge of honor, proudly displaying your complete disregard for other people's feelings. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Relationship Roulette:" Cheating on your boyfriend adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to your relationship, turning it into a high-stakes game of emotional roulette. Who needs trust and stability when you can have betrayal and drama? (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Selfish Satisfaction:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a selfish act, and that's exactly why it's so satisfying. It's like indulging in a guilty pleasure, knowing full well that you're being a total jerk—and reveling in it anyway. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Ego-Boosting Elixir:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a surefire way to boost your ego and inflate your sense of self-importance. After all, what better way to stroke your own ego than by breaking someone else's heart? (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Drama Queen Drama:" Cheating on your boyfriend is like starring in your own personal soap opera, complete with scandalous plot twists and over-the-top melodrama. It's like living out your wildest fantasies of betrayal and deceit—minus the happy ending, of course. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
"The Asshole Advantage:" Cheating on your boyfriend is a good thing if you're an asshole because it allows you to fully embrace your inner jerk. It's like wearing your assholery as a badge of honor, proudly displaying your complete disregard for other people's feelings. (This is only a good thing if you're an asshole.)
1 year ago
Horribly Unwholesome
Caught being a terrible person. But cheating on your wife is Ok (only for assholes) So we thought up of a few reasons an asshole would think cheating on their wife is ok:
The Infidelity Ignorance: "Because cheating on your wife is like eating the last slice of pizza—you know it's wrong, but hey, someone's gotta do it, right? And who better than the resident asshole to take one for the team?"
The Disloyalty Delusion: "Because cheating on your wife is a surefire way to keep life exciting—who needs stability and trust when you can have drama and deceit? Only certified assholes understand the true thrill of keeping their partners on their toes!"
The Commitment Cop-Out: "Because cheating on your wife is just your way of showing her that you're too busy being an asshole to be tied down by silly things like monogamy and fidelity. Who needs a wedding vow when you've got a personal code of douchebaggery?"
The Marriage Misdirection: "Because cheating on your wife is the ultimate test of her love and devotion—only a true asshole would put their partner through such emotional turmoil just to prove a point. Who needs couples therapy when you can just gaslight your way to a stronger marriage?"
The Selfish Spouse: "Because cheating on your wife is like playing a game of emotional Russian roulette—sure, you might blow up your marriage in the process, but who cares when you're the one holding the trigger? Only assholes understand the true joy of watching everything go up in flames."
The Infidelity Ignorance: "Because cheating on your wife is like eating the last slice of pizza—you know it's wrong, but hey, someone's gotta do it, right? And who better than the resident asshole to take one for the team?"
The Disloyalty Delusion: "Because cheating on your wife is a surefire way to keep life exciting—who needs stability and trust when you can have drama and deceit? Only certified assholes understand the true thrill of keeping their partners on their toes!"
The Commitment Cop-Out: "Because cheating on your wife is just your way of showing her that you're too busy being an asshole to be tied down by silly things like monogamy and fidelity. Who needs a wedding vow when you've got a personal code of douchebaggery?"
The Marriage Misdirection: "Because cheating on your wife is the ultimate test of her love and devotion—only a true asshole would put their partner through such emotional turmoil just to prove a point. Who needs couples therapy when you can just gaslight your way to a stronger marriage?"
The Selfish Spouse: "Because cheating on your wife is like playing a game of emotional Russian roulette—sure, you might blow up your marriage in the process, but who cares when you're the one holding the trigger? Only assholes understand the true joy of watching everything go up in flames."
1 year ago
Would you take a selfie in those circumstances?
I'd be thinking about staging a distraction to be honest!
Well people love selfies i guess but we bring a warning of a few other situations where you should keep your phone in your pocket!
"The Dentist's Chair Disaster": Midway through a root canal, with half your face numb and a dental dam in place, is probably not the best time to whip out your phone for a selfie. Plus, who wants to immortalize their drooling, half-paralyzed face for all eternity?
"The Porta-Potty Peril": Taking a selfie in a portable toilet might seem like a funny idea at a music festival or outdoor event, but let's face it—nobody wants to see the inside of a porta-potty, especially not with you in it. Some moments are best left unphotographed.
"The Funeral Faux Pas": Attending a funeral is a somber occasion that calls for respect and sensitivity, not duckface selfies and peace signs. Plus, do you really want your lasting memory of a loved one to be a selfie taken in the midst of grief?
"The Emergency Room Error": In the midst of a medical emergency, with doctors and nurses rushing around you, it's probably not the time to stop and snap a selfie. Plus, imagine trying to explain to the ER staff why you felt the need to document your broken leg in real-time.
"The Crime Scene Catastrophe": If you find yourself in the middle of a crime scene investigation, resist the urge to snap a selfie with the police tape and evidence markers in the background. Not only is it disrespectful to the victims and investigators, but it could also land you in some serious trouble with the law.
Well people love selfies i guess but we bring a warning of a few other situations where you should keep your phone in your pocket!
"The Dentist's Chair Disaster": Midway through a root canal, with half your face numb and a dental dam in place, is probably not the best time to whip out your phone for a selfie. Plus, who wants to immortalize their drooling, half-paralyzed face for all eternity?
"The Porta-Potty Peril": Taking a selfie in a portable toilet might seem like a funny idea at a music festival or outdoor event, but let's face it—nobody wants to see the inside of a porta-potty, especially not with you in it. Some moments are best left unphotographed.
"The Funeral Faux Pas": Attending a funeral is a somber occasion that calls for respect and sensitivity, not duckface selfies and peace signs. Plus, do you really want your lasting memory of a loved one to be a selfie taken in the midst of grief?
"The Emergency Room Error": In the midst of a medical emergency, with doctors and nurses rushing around you, it's probably not the time to stop and snap a selfie. Plus, imagine trying to explain to the ER staff why you felt the need to document your broken leg in real-time.
"The Crime Scene Catastrophe": If you find yourself in the middle of a crime scene investigation, resist the urge to snap a selfie with the police tape and evidence markers in the background. Not only is it disrespectful to the victims and investigators, but it could also land you in some serious trouble with the law.
1 year ago
Get what you deserve
In this case not having a phone.
Want more revenge? We have some options that won't land you in trouble with the cops:
The "Puppy Parcel": Since she always had a soft spot for furry friends, you decide to send her a monthly subscription of dog poop parcels. Each package comes with a note saying, "Thought you might enjoy cleaning up after something you love."
The "Billboard Betrayal": You rent a billboard on her daily commute route and display a Photoshopped image of her with a caption that reads, "Cheaters Never Prosper!" It's not illegal, but it sure is embarrassing!
The "Spam-a-Lot Scheme": You sign her email address up for every newsletter, spam email, and promotional offer imaginable. Her inbox becomes a chaotic mess of discount codes, dating site ads, and weight loss tips.
The "Social Media Switcheroo": You hack into her social media accounts (just kidding!) and replace all her photos with images of cartoon characters. Bonus points if you change her relationship status to "In a Relationship with SpongeBob SquarePants."
The "Gag Gift Gazette": You anonymously subscribe her to obscure magazines with titles like "The World of Moldy Cheese Collectors" or "Unicorn Enthusiast Weekly." Who knows, maybe she'll discover a new passion amidst the chaos of her mailbox.
Want more revenge? We have some options that won't land you in trouble with the cops:
The "Puppy Parcel": Since she always had a soft spot for furry friends, you decide to send her a monthly subscription of dog poop parcels. Each package comes with a note saying, "Thought you might enjoy cleaning up after something you love."
The "Billboard Betrayal": You rent a billboard on her daily commute route and display a Photoshopped image of her with a caption that reads, "Cheaters Never Prosper!" It's not illegal, but it sure is embarrassing!
The "Spam-a-Lot Scheme": You sign her email address up for every newsletter, spam email, and promotional offer imaginable. Her inbox becomes a chaotic mess of discount codes, dating site ads, and weight loss tips.
The "Social Media Switcheroo": You hack into her social media accounts (just kidding!) and replace all her photos with images of cartoon characters. Bonus points if you change her relationship status to "In a Relationship with SpongeBob SquarePants."
The "Gag Gift Gazette": You anonymously subscribe her to obscure magazines with titles like "The World of Moldy Cheese Collectors" or "Unicorn Enthusiast Weekly." Who knows, maybe she'll discover a new passion amidst the chaos of her mailbox.
1 year ago
Bruh moments
Must happen pretty often if you've created a quirky cute name for them
These are bruh moments not cheating
The "Wrong Door" Mishap:
Walking confidently into what you think is the bathroom, only to realize it's actually the broom closet. Bruh.
The "Reply All" Disaster:
Accidentally hitting "reply all" on an email and sending a snarky comment about your boss to the entire company. Bruh.
The "Wrong Name" Blunder:
Calling your new significant other by your ex's name during a romantic dinner. Bruh.
The "Lost Keys" Fiasco:
Spending 20 minutes frantically searching for your keys, only to realize they've been in your pocket the whole time. Bruh.
The "Unexpected Zoom" Surprise:
Forgetting to mute yourself during a Zoom meeting and accidentally broadcasting your questionable music taste to your entire team. Bruh.
These are bruh moments not cheating
The "Wrong Door" Mishap:
Walking confidently into what you think is the bathroom, only to realize it's actually the broom closet. Bruh.
The "Reply All" Disaster:
Accidentally hitting "reply all" on an email and sending a snarky comment about your boss to the entire company. Bruh.
The "Wrong Name" Blunder:
Calling your new significant other by your ex's name during a romantic dinner. Bruh.
The "Lost Keys" Fiasco:
Spending 20 minutes frantically searching for your keys, only to realize they've been in your pocket the whole time. Bruh.
The "Unexpected Zoom" Surprise:
Forgetting to mute yourself during a Zoom meeting and accidentally broadcasting your questionable music taste to your entire team. Bruh.