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1 year ago
Where is my bison
Aang was pretty mad when that happened. So would parents looking for their BI-Son but where might he be? Here's a few possibilities :

"The Bi-disappeared": "You're searching for him everywhere, convinced he's hiding in plain sight with his chameleon-like ability to blend into any rainbow-themed decor. Turns out, he's just enjoying a quiet moment of bi-reflection in his room."

"The Bisexual Beacon": "You've set up a 'Bi-dar' device, hoping it will lead you straight to him with its rainbow-colored arrows. Unfortunately, it keeps malfunctioning and pointing you towards the nearest thrift store selling retro disco outfits instead."

"The Bisexual Hide and Seek Champion": "You've enlisted the help of the entire family in a game of 'Find the Bisexual.' Despite their best efforts, he remains elusive, popping up in unexpected places like the pantry, claiming he's 'bi-hungry' for snacks."

"The Bi-noculars": "You're peering through a pair of rainbow-colored binoculars, convinced they'll help you spot him from miles away. Little do you know, he's right behind you, holding a sign that reads, 'I'm bi-here, you just needed better bi-sight.'"

"The Bi-cycle Ride": "You've commandeered a tandem bicycle, determined to pedal your way to him in record time. As you struggle to navigate the streets, narrowly avoiding collisions with other rainbow-themed vehicles, you can't help but wonder if this is what they mean by 'bi-cycle built for two.'"
Where is my bison


