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1 year ago
A CATastrophy
Cleaning the floor with the gun? YES why not? WHY NOT?? this is why:
"You accidentally shoot the TV remote while trying to use the gun's nozzle as a makeshift vacuum cleaner attachment. Now you've got a 'shoot to change channels' situation on your hands."
"Thinking the gun's barrel is a perfect fit, you accidentally use it to stir your coffee, only to discover that bullet casings don't exactly enhance the flavor profile."
"In a moment of absentmindedness, you mistake the gun's trigger for a spray bottle nozzle and end up redecorating the living room with an unintended burst of air freshener."
"While attempting to use the gun's scope for a closer look at the dust on the ceiling fan blades, you inadvertently create a new constellation pattern in the plaster."
"Attempting to use the gun's cleaning rod as a makeshift selfie stick, you accidentally trigger the self-timer function and capture the world's most dramatic 'accidental selfie' moment."
"You accidentally shoot the TV remote while trying to use the gun's nozzle as a makeshift vacuum cleaner attachment. Now you've got a 'shoot to change channels' situation on your hands."
"Thinking the gun's barrel is a perfect fit, you accidentally use it to stir your coffee, only to discover that bullet casings don't exactly enhance the flavor profile."
"In a moment of absentmindedness, you mistake the gun's trigger for a spray bottle nozzle and end up redecorating the living room with an unintended burst of air freshener."
"While attempting to use the gun's scope for a closer look at the dust on the ceiling fan blades, you inadvertently create a new constellation pattern in the plaster."
"Attempting to use the gun's cleaning rod as a makeshift selfie stick, you accidentally trigger the self-timer function and capture the world's most dramatic 'accidental selfie' moment."