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1 year ago
Brilliant advice
Even a broken clock is right twice per day. If you're an immoral sociopath here are some funny ways to have memorable sex:
The "Snake Charmer" Technique: Convince your partner that playing a game of "truth or dare" is the ultimate foreplay. Just make sure all the dares involve various forms of bedroom activities, and watch as the game escalates into a wild night of passion.
The "Emotional Manipulation" Method: Pretend to be a character from a romantic novel or movie, complete with melodramatic speeches and intense declarations of love. Your partner won't know whether to swoon or laugh, but either way, it's sure to be a memorable experience.
The "Reverse Psychology" Strategy: Tell your partner that you're not interested in sex at all and watch as they try to seduce you with increasingly creative tactics. Little do they know, you're secretly enjoying the game of cat and mouse.
The "Psychological Warfare" Approach: Use psychological tricks to mess with your partner's mind during intimate moments. From strategically placed mirrors to whispered compliments followed by insults, you'll keep them on their toes and wondering what's coming next.
The "Gaslighting" Gambit: Convince your partner that they're actually the one who initiated every sexual encounter, even when it's blatantly obvious that you're the one in control. It's like rewriting history, but with a kinky twist.
The "Snake Charmer" Technique: Convince your partner that playing a game of "truth or dare" is the ultimate foreplay. Just make sure all the dares involve various forms of bedroom activities, and watch as the game escalates into a wild night of passion.
The "Emotional Manipulation" Method: Pretend to be a character from a romantic novel or movie, complete with melodramatic speeches and intense declarations of love. Your partner won't know whether to swoon or laugh, but either way, it's sure to be a memorable experience.
The "Reverse Psychology" Strategy: Tell your partner that you're not interested in sex at all and watch as they try to seduce you with increasingly creative tactics. Little do they know, you're secretly enjoying the game of cat and mouse.
The "Psychological Warfare" Approach: Use psychological tricks to mess with your partner's mind during intimate moments. From strategically placed mirrors to whispered compliments followed by insults, you'll keep them on their toes and wondering what's coming next.
The "Gaslighting" Gambit: Convince your partner that they're actually the one who initiated every sexual encounter, even when it's blatantly obvious that you're the one in control. It's like rewriting history, but with a kinky twist.