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1 year ago

The negotiator

Not the good one just A negotiator
He should try these strategies next

The "Reverse Psychology Ruse": Start negotiations by loudly declaring that you don't want what the other party is offering. Then sit back and wait for them to beg you to take it – because who wouldn't want something that nobody else wants, right?

The "Silent Treatment Tactic": Refuse to say a word during negotiations, hoping the awkward silence will make the other party so uncomfortable that they'll give in just to break the tension. After all, negotiation is just a game of chicken, right?

The "Bulldozer Blitz": Steamroll over the other party with aggressive demands and unreasonable ultimatums, assuming they'll be so intimidated that they'll agree to anything just to make you stop. Who needs compromise when you have brute force?

The "Complimentary Conundrum": Shower the other party with excessive compliments and flattery, hoping they'll be so flattered that they'll forget all about the actual terms of the negotiation. Who needs substance when you have charm?

The "Ultimate Bluffing Blunder": Make outrageous claims and promises during negotiations, assuming the other party will be too gullible to see through your bluff. After all, negotiation is just a high-stakes game of poker, right?


