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1 year ago

Asshole or hero?

Kids are annoying sometimes so you know...
Here are some more teacher revenge scenarios

The "Homework Havoc" Hoax:
Assign the student a "special" extra credit assignment that involves writing a 10-page essay on the history of paperclips – due by the end of the day. Then reveal it was all a prank and give them a sticker instead.

The "Pop Quiz Prank" Plot:
Surprise the class with a pop quiz on the most obscure subject imaginable – like the mating habits of garden gnomes or the physics of unicorn flight. Watch as the student's panic turns to relief when they realize it's just a joke quiz with silly questions and no consequences.

The "Desk Swap" Shenanigans:
Swap the student's desk with the teacher's desk for a day, complete with a nameplate that reads "Teacher-in-Training." Watch as they struggle to manage the responsibilities of teaching while you sit back and enjoy the show.

The "Rule Reversal" Ruse:
Let the student be the teacher for a day, with full authority to enforce classroom rules and assign homework. Sit back and relax as they try to maintain order in the classroom – it's a lesson in empathy they won't soon forget.

The "Mystery Mischief" Maneuver:
Leave mysterious clues around the classroom leading to a "secret treasure" hidden somewhere in the school – like the janitor's closet or the cafeteria freezer. Watch as the student embarks on a wild goose chase, only to discover a box of stale cookies or a rubber chicken as their reward.


