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1 year ago

Talk with me when he can levitate small objects

These children are just so lazy when it comes to learning levitation. Call me old fashioned but in my day kids weren't allowed to go out and play video games before they completed psychic studies.
here are just a few reasons why kids these days ignore training their innate psychic powers

"Remote Control Ruins the Fun":
"Why bother mastering the power of telekinesis when you can just grab the TV remote with your hand? Kids these days prefer the instant gratification of a button press over the mental gymnastics of moving objects with their minds."

"Wi-Fi Woes and Mental Blocks":
"In a world of Wi-Fi and instant downloads, children struggle to focus long enough to tune into their psychic abilities. Telekinesis requires too much mental bandwidth – they'd rather spend it on streaming cat videos."

"Hoverboards Beat Hovering Objects":
"Why bother levitating objects with your mind when you can ride a hoverboard? Kids these days prefer the effortless coolness of gliding on wheels over the mental strain of making things float. Plus, hoverboards come in way cooler colors!"

"Too Much Screen Time, Not Enough Mind Time":
"Children are too busy scrolling through social media feeds to bother honing their psychic powers. Telekinesis requires concentration and mental discipline – qualities in short supply when your attention span is measured in Snapchat streaks."

"Instant Noodles, Not Instant Telekinesis":
"In a world of instant noodles and microwave dinners, kids have forgotten the value of patience and practice. Telekinesis is a slow burn – it requires dedication and perseverance, qualities that are sorely lacking in a generation raised on instant gratification."


