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1 year ago
Talk with me when he can levitate small objects
These children are just so lazy when it comes to learning levitation. Call me old fashioned but in my day kids weren't allowed to go out and play video games before they completed psychic studies.
here are just a few reasons why kids these days ignore training their innate psychic powers
"Remote Control Ruins the Fun":
"Why bother mastering the power of telekinesis when you can just grab the TV remote with your hand? Kids these days prefer the instant gratification of a button press over the mental gymnastics of moving objects with their minds."
"Wi-Fi Woes and Mental Blocks":
"In a world of Wi-Fi and instant downloads, children struggle to focus long enough to tune into their psychic abilities. Telekinesis requires too much mental bandwidth – they'd rather spend it on streaming cat videos."
"Hoverboards Beat Hovering Objects":
"Why bother levitating objects with your mind when you can ride a hoverboard? Kids these days prefer the effortless coolness of gliding on wheels over the mental strain of making things float. Plus, hoverboards come in way cooler colors!"
"Too Much Screen Time, Not Enough Mind Time":
"Children are too busy scrolling through social media feeds to bother honing their psychic powers. Telekinesis requires concentration and mental discipline – qualities in short supply when your attention span is measured in Snapchat streaks."
"Instant Noodles, Not Instant Telekinesis":
"In a world of instant noodles and microwave dinners, kids have forgotten the value of patience and practice. Telekinesis is a slow burn – it requires dedication and perseverance, qualities that are sorely lacking in a generation raised on instant gratification."
here are just a few reasons why kids these days ignore training their innate psychic powers
"Remote Control Ruins the Fun":
"Why bother mastering the power of telekinesis when you can just grab the TV remote with your hand? Kids these days prefer the instant gratification of a button press over the mental gymnastics of moving objects with their minds."
"Wi-Fi Woes and Mental Blocks":
"In a world of Wi-Fi and instant downloads, children struggle to focus long enough to tune into their psychic abilities. Telekinesis requires too much mental bandwidth – they'd rather spend it on streaming cat videos."
"Hoverboards Beat Hovering Objects":
"Why bother levitating objects with your mind when you can ride a hoverboard? Kids these days prefer the effortless coolness of gliding on wheels over the mental strain of making things float. Plus, hoverboards come in way cooler colors!"
"Too Much Screen Time, Not Enough Mind Time":
"Children are too busy scrolling through social media feeds to bother honing their psychic powers. Telekinesis requires concentration and mental discipline – qualities in short supply when your attention span is measured in Snapchat streaks."
"Instant Noodles, Not Instant Telekinesis":
"In a world of instant noodles and microwave dinners, kids have forgotten the value of patience and practice. Telekinesis is a slow burn – it requires dedication and perseverance, qualities that are sorely lacking in a generation raised on instant gratification."
1 year ago
Built in Antenna
Wonder what form of government Antenna has! It's worth visiting any time of year that place is fun AF! Here are some totally not made up facts about Antenna the Constitutional Democracy maybe :
The National Sport of Antenna: Gnome Racing: Antenna takes pride in its quirky national sport, gnome racing. Every year, locals gather to watch as garden gnomes compete in high-speed races down specially designed tracks, complete with obstacles like miniature mushroom forests and tiny hedge mazes.
The Official National Pet of Antenna: Llama-Dactyls: In Antenna, llamas and pterodactyls are more than just prehistoric creatures—they're beloved national pets known as llama-dactyls. These whimsical hybrid animals are a common sight in Antennan households, where they're trained to fetch the morning newspaper and provide aerial rides for children.
The National Dish of Antenna: Disco Dumplings: Antenna's culinary scene is renowned for its eclectic fusion cuisine, with one standout dish being disco dumplings. These glittery dumplings are stuffed with a mix of exotic ingredients and served with a side of neon dipping sauce, adding a touch of sparkle to every meal.
The National Transportation System of Antenna: Hoverboard Highways: Forget about cars and bicycles—Antenna's futuristic transportation system revolves around hoverboards. Citizens zip around the country on sleek, levitating boards, gliding effortlessly along a network of rainbow-colored highways suspended in mid-air.
The National Holiday of Antenna: Sock Puppet Day: Antenna celebrates its unique cultural heritage with quirky holidays like Sock Puppet Day. On this special occasion, citizens don their most elaborate sock puppet creations and participate in parades, puppet shows, and sock puppet crafting workshops throughout the country.
The National Sport of Antenna: Gnome Racing: Antenna takes pride in its quirky national sport, gnome racing. Every year, locals gather to watch as garden gnomes compete in high-speed races down specially designed tracks, complete with obstacles like miniature mushroom forests and tiny hedge mazes.
The Official National Pet of Antenna: Llama-Dactyls: In Antenna, llamas and pterodactyls are more than just prehistoric creatures—they're beloved national pets known as llama-dactyls. These whimsical hybrid animals are a common sight in Antennan households, where they're trained to fetch the morning newspaper and provide aerial rides for children.
The National Dish of Antenna: Disco Dumplings: Antenna's culinary scene is renowned for its eclectic fusion cuisine, with one standout dish being disco dumplings. These glittery dumplings are stuffed with a mix of exotic ingredients and served with a side of neon dipping sauce, adding a touch of sparkle to every meal.
The National Transportation System of Antenna: Hoverboard Highways: Forget about cars and bicycles—Antenna's futuristic transportation system revolves around hoverboards. Citizens zip around the country on sleek, levitating boards, gliding effortlessly along a network of rainbow-colored highways suspended in mid-air.
The National Holiday of Antenna: Sock Puppet Day: Antenna celebrates its unique cultural heritage with quirky holidays like Sock Puppet Day. On this special occasion, citizens don their most elaborate sock puppet creations and participate in parades, puppet shows, and sock puppet crafting workshops throughout the country.
1 year ago
If it fits use it
Hope they cleaned it before though. Practical , so we though maybe there are more things you can use sex toys that DON'T involve sex! After all why not get all use out of them!
Here are 5 funny sex toy life hacks:
"The Silent Alarm Clock": Forget about noisy alarms—set your vibrating sex toy to wake you up with a gentle buzz. Just make sure to position it strategically so it doesn't roll off the nightstand and disappear under the bed!
"The Hands-Free Selfie Stick": Need to take a hands-free selfie? Attach your smartphone to a suction cup dildo for the perfect angle every time. Just be prepared for some interesting looks if you accidentally leave it on your desk at work.
"The DIY Massager": Can't find your back massager? No problem! Grab your trusty vibrator and give yourself a relaxing massage. Just make sure to switch it back to its original purpose before your partner gets home.
"The Emergency Candle Holder": Out of candle holders for your romantic dinner? No worries! Just stick a tapered candle in the base of your dildo and let the mood lighting begin. It's sure to set the mood for a memorable evening.
"The Secret Stash": Need a discreet hiding spot for your valuables? Hollow out a dildo and use it as a secret stash container. Just don't forget where you put it—or you might end up with a surprise during your next round of spring cleaning!
Here are 5 funny sex toy life hacks:
"The Silent Alarm Clock": Forget about noisy alarms—set your vibrating sex toy to wake you up with a gentle buzz. Just make sure to position it strategically so it doesn't roll off the nightstand and disappear under the bed!
"The Hands-Free Selfie Stick": Need to take a hands-free selfie? Attach your smartphone to a suction cup dildo for the perfect angle every time. Just be prepared for some interesting looks if you accidentally leave it on your desk at work.
"The DIY Massager": Can't find your back massager? No problem! Grab your trusty vibrator and give yourself a relaxing massage. Just make sure to switch it back to its original purpose before your partner gets home.
"The Emergency Candle Holder": Out of candle holders for your romantic dinner? No worries! Just stick a tapered candle in the base of your dildo and let the mood lighting begin. It's sure to set the mood for a memorable evening.
"The Secret Stash": Need a discreet hiding spot for your valuables? Hollow out a dildo and use it as a secret stash container. Just don't forget where you put it—or you might end up with a surprise during your next round of spring cleaning!
1 year ago
Very honest socially awkward messages
There's no time like the present to learn, from what I've heard most of them are something called people. But that is for beginners or a group of people that posses something called charisma. We're out here living rough not getting dates and having a hard time, keeping it real so we asked 5 top pick up artists what their preferred method of talking to women they each is and got these replies:
"The Mime Misstep": Embrace the art of silent communication! By mastering mime techniques, you'll captivate women with your enigmatic charm and leave them intrigued by your mysterious allure. Who needs words when you can speak volumes with just a glance and a gesture?
"The Complimentary Conundrum": Expand your compliment repertoire beyond the usual clichés! By showering everyday objects with praise, you'll demonstrate your creativity and ability to find beauty in unexpected places. Women will be drawn to your unique perspective and keen eye for detail.
"The Rom-Com Reject": Transform everyday interactions into cinematic masterpieces! By borrowing lines from romantic comedies, you'll infuse your conversations with whimsy and romance, sweeping women off their feet with your charming wit and boundless imagination.
"The Social Media Stalker 2.0": Show off your attention to detail and playful sense of humor! By leaving cryptic comments on women's social media posts, you'll intrigue them with your mysterious allure and keep them coming back for more. Who needs straightforward compliments when you can keep them guessing?
"The Animal Attraction Anomaly": Connect with your primal instincts and embrace your inner animal lover! By engaging in deep conversations with animals, you'll demonstrate your compassionate nature and ability to find common ground with creatures big and small. Women will be drawn to your gentle spirit and empathetic demeanor.
"The Mime Misstep": Embrace the art of silent communication! By mastering mime techniques, you'll captivate women with your enigmatic charm and leave them intrigued by your mysterious allure. Who needs words when you can speak volumes with just a glance and a gesture?
"The Complimentary Conundrum": Expand your compliment repertoire beyond the usual clichés! By showering everyday objects with praise, you'll demonstrate your creativity and ability to find beauty in unexpected places. Women will be drawn to your unique perspective and keen eye for detail.
"The Rom-Com Reject": Transform everyday interactions into cinematic masterpieces! By borrowing lines from romantic comedies, you'll infuse your conversations with whimsy and romance, sweeping women off their feet with your charming wit and boundless imagination.
"The Social Media Stalker 2.0": Show off your attention to detail and playful sense of humor! By leaving cryptic comments on women's social media posts, you'll intrigue them with your mysterious allure and keep them coming back for more. Who needs straightforward compliments when you can keep them guessing?
"The Animal Attraction Anomaly": Connect with your primal instincts and embrace your inner animal lover! By engaging in deep conversations with animals, you'll demonstrate your compassionate nature and ability to find common ground with creatures big and small. Women will be drawn to your gentle spirit and empathetic demeanor.
1 year ago
Very true opinion
Also if buying a game doesn't mean you own it piracy should be legal, but they don't like that do they?
We asked around and the best they came up as to why you don't own your games are these 5 reasons:
"The Glitch Gremlin Gambit": The game company claims that a mischievous glitch in their system caused your purchase to disappear into the digital void. According to their official statement, your game is now residing in the same mystical realm as missing socks and misplaced car keys.
"The Quantum Ownership Quandary": In a mind-bending twist, the game company insists that the concept of ownership is a mere illusion in the quantum realm of digital downloads. Apparently, your game exists in a state of simultaneous ownership and non-ownership until someone looks at it, at which point it collapses into one or the other.
"The Pirate Paranoia Plight": The game company blames a notorious band of digital pirates for absconding with your purchase and setting sail for the high seas of copyright infringement. According to their investigation, your game is now sailing the digital ocean, accompanied by a crew of swashbuckling software smugglers.
"The Cosmic Contractual Conundrum": Unbeknownst to you, buried deep within the terms and conditions of your purchase agreement is a clause stating that the game company reserves the right to reclaim your game at any time for undisclosed reasons. They assure you it's nothing personal; it's just business... or possibly dark magic.
"The Interdimensional Intellectual Property Impasse": Due to a rift in the space-time continuum, your game has slipped into a parallel universe where the laws of copyright and ownership are entirely different. According to the game company, retrieving your game would require navigating a labyrinth of alternate realities, time loops, and bureaucratic red tape.
We asked around and the best they came up as to why you don't own your games are these 5 reasons:
"The Glitch Gremlin Gambit": The game company claims that a mischievous glitch in their system caused your purchase to disappear into the digital void. According to their official statement, your game is now residing in the same mystical realm as missing socks and misplaced car keys.
"The Quantum Ownership Quandary": In a mind-bending twist, the game company insists that the concept of ownership is a mere illusion in the quantum realm of digital downloads. Apparently, your game exists in a state of simultaneous ownership and non-ownership until someone looks at it, at which point it collapses into one or the other.
"The Pirate Paranoia Plight": The game company blames a notorious band of digital pirates for absconding with your purchase and setting sail for the high seas of copyright infringement. According to their investigation, your game is now sailing the digital ocean, accompanied by a crew of swashbuckling software smugglers.
"The Cosmic Contractual Conundrum": Unbeknownst to you, buried deep within the terms and conditions of your purchase agreement is a clause stating that the game company reserves the right to reclaim your game at any time for undisclosed reasons. They assure you it's nothing personal; it's just business... or possibly dark magic.
"The Interdimensional Intellectual Property Impasse": Due to a rift in the space-time continuum, your game has slipped into a parallel universe where the laws of copyright and ownership are entirely different. According to the game company, retrieving your game would require navigating a labyrinth of alternate realities, time loops, and bureaucratic red tape.