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1 year ago

Canada will activly help you die

Without charging you a fortune though. Though we should talk about the elephant in the room. Being dead means all your health problems are solved! Here's 5 funny reasons why being dead means you are technically healthy:

"The Eternal Rest Plan": "Who needs expensive medical treatments when you can achieve eternal peace with just one injection? Euthanasia is the ultimate 'set it and forget it' healthcare plan—no more copays, no more waiting rooms, just sweet, sweet oblivion."

"The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution": "Say goodbye to dieting and exercise—euthanasia guarantees you'll never have to worry about fitting into those skinny jeans again. Who knew death could be the ultimate crash diet?"

"The Instant Doctor's Note": "With euthanasia, you'll never have to fake a sick day again. Just schedule your appointment with the Grim Reaper and enjoy unlimited time off from work—no questions asked."

"The Pain-Free Plan": "Why waste time and money on painkillers and physical therapy when you can skip straight to the final solution? Euthanasia ensures you'll never have to suffer through another headache or backache again—because you'll be too busy enjoying the afterlife."

"The Budget-Friendly Benefit": "Forget expensive medical bills and insurance premiums—euthanasia is the ultimate cost-saving measure. Just think of all the money you'll save on doctor's visits, prescriptions, and hospital stays. It's the frugal way to go out with a bang."


