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1 year ago

Asking existential questions

Poor dude never considered why his name was David. So we did for him since we have nothing better to do:

The Biblical Banter: "Because being named David means you're automatically inducted into the unofficial 'Cool Names from the Bible' club—move over, Moses and Noah, there's a new shepherd in town, and he's armed with a slingshot and a killer haircut!"

The Statue Struggle: "Because being named David means you're constantly compared to a marble masterpiece—sure, Michelangelo's sculpture might have chiseled abs and a steely gaze, but can it shotgun a beer in under three seconds? Didn't think so."

The Size Speculation: "Because being named David means you're destined to field endless questions about the size of your 'stone'—but don't worry, it's not the size of the slingshot that matters, it's how you aim it at the Goliaths of life."

The Identity Irony: "Because being named David means you're forever doomed to be confused with every other David in the world—no, not the one from accounting, or the one from your mom's book club, or the one who dated your sister in high school. The other other David."

The Musical Misfortune: "Because being named David means you're contractually obligated to endure endless renditions of 'David, David, Bo-Bavid, Banana-Fana Fo-Favid'—just smile and nod, David, and maybe one day they'll run out of rhymes for your name."


