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1 year ago

Applies for everybody

I'm sorry you had to find out from a meme. Here's 5 reasons why your younger self was an idiot:

The Fashion Faux Pas: "Because your younger self thought wearing socks with sandals was the epitome of coolness—ah, the blissful ignorance of youth, where fashion crimes were committed without a second thought."

The Cringe-worthy Crush: "Because your younger self believed that writing love letters in blood was the ultimate romantic gesture—apparently, your heart wasn't the only thing bleeding profusely."

The Culinary Catastrophe: "Because your younger self thought microwaving a metal spoon was a brilliant shortcut to heating up leftovers—nothing says 'I'm a culinary genius' like sparks flying in the kitchen."

The Social Media Snafu: "Because your younger self thought it was a good idea to post every thought, emotion, and bowel movement on social media—because nothing screams 'attention-seeking' like live-tweeting your existential crisis."

The DIY Disaster: "Because your younger self believed that building a skateboard ramp in your backyard with zero engineering experience was a solid plan—because who needs safety regulations when you've got a death wish and a hammer?"


