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1 year ago
Dick Bong the hero we need
Miss the days we had heroes with really cool names.
Here are some more possibly real in alternate timelines names of authors and their silly books
Buck Thrustington
Book Title: "The Chronicles of Soggy Sausage: A Quest for the Lost Gravy Boat"
Babs McTinkle
Book Title: "The Adventures of Princess Poots: A Gas-Powered Journey to the Land of Beanopolis"
Chuck Jigglebottom
Book Title: "The Curious Case of Mr. Wiggles: A Wiggle-Waggling Whodunit"
Misty Squishbottom
Book Title: "The Secret Life of Sir Fluffington: Confessions of a Muffin-Snatching Feline"
Daisy Gigglesnatch
Book Title: "The Farty Fairy: A Whimsical Tale of Toots and Tinkles"
Here are some more possibly real in alternate timelines names of authors and their silly books
Buck Thrustington
Book Title: "The Chronicles of Soggy Sausage: A Quest for the Lost Gravy Boat"
Babs McTinkle
Book Title: "The Adventures of Princess Poots: A Gas-Powered Journey to the Land of Beanopolis"
Chuck Jigglebottom
Book Title: "The Curious Case of Mr. Wiggles: A Wiggle-Waggling Whodunit"
Misty Squishbottom
Book Title: "The Secret Life of Sir Fluffington: Confessions of a Muffin-Snatching Feline"
Daisy Gigglesnatch
Book Title: "The Farty Fairy: A Whimsical Tale of Toots and Tinkles"
1 year ago
Spelling is important
Illiteracy is dangerous, but funny. I say spelling things wrong is funny and we should do it more, burn the books close all schools. Here's 5 reasons why spelling things wrong makes me laugh and ergo is a good thing:
"The Phonetic Phantasm": "Spelling things wrong adds an element of mystery and intrigue to everyday conversations. Who needs correct spelling when you can create your own phonetic language? It's like a secret code that only you and your fellow misspellers can understand."
"The Autocorrect Adventure": "Thanks to autocorrect, spelling things wrong has become a hilarious game of 'Guess What I Meant.' It's like playing Mad Libs with your phone, except the results are even more nonsensical—and somehow, more entertaining."
"The Typo Tango": "Spelling things wrong is the ultimate icebreaker in awkward social situations. Instead of stumbling over your words, just throw in a strategically placed typo and watch as everyone laughs along with you. Who knew misspellings could be so charming?"
"The Creative Chaos": "Spelling things wrong unleashes your inner artist, allowing you to create masterpieces of linguistic absurdity. Why stick to the rules when you can invent your own spellings and redefine the English language one typo at a time?"
"The Homophone Hilarity": "Spelling things wrong opens up a world of pun-tastic possibilities, where every typo becomes a potential punchline. Who cares about proper grammar when you can turn 'their' into 'they're' and 'you're' into 'your' for maximum comedic effect?"
"The Phonetic Phantasm": "Spelling things wrong adds an element of mystery and intrigue to everyday conversations. Who needs correct spelling when you can create your own phonetic language? It's like a secret code that only you and your fellow misspellers can understand."
"The Autocorrect Adventure": "Thanks to autocorrect, spelling things wrong has become a hilarious game of 'Guess What I Meant.' It's like playing Mad Libs with your phone, except the results are even more nonsensical—and somehow, more entertaining."
"The Typo Tango": "Spelling things wrong is the ultimate icebreaker in awkward social situations. Instead of stumbling over your words, just throw in a strategically placed typo and watch as everyone laughs along with you. Who knew misspellings could be so charming?"
"The Creative Chaos": "Spelling things wrong unleashes your inner artist, allowing you to create masterpieces of linguistic absurdity. Why stick to the rules when you can invent your own spellings and redefine the English language one typo at a time?"
"The Homophone Hilarity": "Spelling things wrong opens up a world of pun-tastic possibilities, where every typo becomes a potential punchline. Who cares about proper grammar when you can turn 'their' into 'they're' and 'you're' into 'your' for maximum comedic effect?"
1 year ago
Come on man salad ain't that bad
Maybe the other part was the problem though...
Here are some reasons why you wouldn't want to eat said cucumber:
"The Pickle Predicament": Let's just say that once a cucumber has been on a journey of self-discovery, it's not exactly fit for polite company. You might find yourself in a bit of a pickle trying to explain why you're avoiding the veggie platter at the next office party!
"Salad Shudders": You thought you were just adding some crunchy greens to your salad, but little did you know you were about to become an unwitting participant in a vegetable-based scandal. Suddenly, those leafy greens don't seem so appetizing anymore!
"The Cucumber Conundrum": They say cucumbers are refreshing, but there's nothing refreshing about the mental image of their previous escapades. Suddenly, you're second-guessing every salad, sandwich, and sushi roll you've ever eaten. Talk about a mood killer!
"The Garden of Unearthly Delights": You thought you were being healthy by reaching for that cucumber, but little did you know you were about to take a walk on the wild side. Looks like you'll be sticking to carrots for your veggie snacks from now on—less room for misinterpretation!
"Pickle Perils": You thought you were indulging in a wholesome snack, but turns out you've stumbled upon a vegetable with a rather colorful past. Suddenly, you're rethinking your entire relationship with the produce aisle. Who knew cucumbers could be so scandalous?
Here are some reasons why you wouldn't want to eat said cucumber:
"The Pickle Predicament": Let's just say that once a cucumber has been on a journey of self-discovery, it's not exactly fit for polite company. You might find yourself in a bit of a pickle trying to explain why you're avoiding the veggie platter at the next office party!
"Salad Shudders": You thought you were just adding some crunchy greens to your salad, but little did you know you were about to become an unwitting participant in a vegetable-based scandal. Suddenly, those leafy greens don't seem so appetizing anymore!
"The Cucumber Conundrum": They say cucumbers are refreshing, but there's nothing refreshing about the mental image of their previous escapades. Suddenly, you're second-guessing every salad, sandwich, and sushi roll you've ever eaten. Talk about a mood killer!
"The Garden of Unearthly Delights": You thought you were being healthy by reaching for that cucumber, but little did you know you were about to take a walk on the wild side. Looks like you'll be sticking to carrots for your veggie snacks from now on—less room for misinterpretation!
"Pickle Perils": You thought you were indulging in a wholesome snack, but turns out you've stumbled upon a vegetable with a rather colorful past. Suddenly, you're rethinking your entire relationship with the produce aisle. Who knew cucumbers could be so scandalous?
1 year ago
Relationship destroyer
She better never find out
Here are some reasons explaining why this is a no-no of biblical proportions
"Spoiler Alert, Relationship Disaster": Watching your favorite show without your partner is like committing the ultimate relationship sin—spoiling all the juicy plot twists and leaving them in the dark. Prepare for the silent treatment until the next season drops!
"Netflix Cheating Drama": Ever heard of Netflix infidelity? It's a real thing, and it's a recipe for disaster. Sneakily binge-watching episodes behind your partner's back might seem harmless at first, but trust me, it's a slippery slope to couch-side betrayal.
"The Lonely Remote Syndrome": Sure, you can watch shows solo, but where's the fun in that? Without your partner by your side, you're left to fend for yourself against the dreaded loneliness of the remote control. Good luck navigating those streaming platforms solo!
"The Mystery of Missing References": Watching shows separately means missing out on all those inside jokes and pop culture references that make couple-dom so much fun. Get ready for awkward silences when you accidentally drop a quote they haven't heard yet.
"The Great Relationship Cliffhanger": Sharing the ups and downs of a TV series is like a bonding experience on steroids. Without your partner there to debate theories, predict plot twists, and dissect character arcs, you're left hanging off the metaphorical relationship cliff, wondering what could have been.
Here are some reasons explaining why this is a no-no of biblical proportions
"Spoiler Alert, Relationship Disaster": Watching your favorite show without your partner is like committing the ultimate relationship sin—spoiling all the juicy plot twists and leaving them in the dark. Prepare for the silent treatment until the next season drops!
"Netflix Cheating Drama": Ever heard of Netflix infidelity? It's a real thing, and it's a recipe for disaster. Sneakily binge-watching episodes behind your partner's back might seem harmless at first, but trust me, it's a slippery slope to couch-side betrayal.
"The Lonely Remote Syndrome": Sure, you can watch shows solo, but where's the fun in that? Without your partner by your side, you're left to fend for yourself against the dreaded loneliness of the remote control. Good luck navigating those streaming platforms solo!
"The Mystery of Missing References": Watching shows separately means missing out on all those inside jokes and pop culture references that make couple-dom so much fun. Get ready for awkward silences when you accidentally drop a quote they haven't heard yet.
"The Great Relationship Cliffhanger": Sharing the ups and downs of a TV series is like a bonding experience on steroids. Without your partner there to debate theories, predict plot twists, and dissect character arcs, you're left hanging off the metaphorical relationship cliff, wondering what could have been.
1 year ago
Asking the real questions about ramen
Ramen and communism both make you think of hunger one is a solution the other a cause, here are some reasons ramen and communism go well together:
"Equal Parts Broth and Redistribution": Just like a perfectly balanced bowl of ramen, communism aims to distribute resources equally among all members of society. With every slurp of noodles, you're not just enjoying a delicious meal—you're embracing the spirit of economic egalitarianism!
"Noodle Nation Building": Much like the intricate process of building a flavorful ramen broth, communism seeks to build a strong, cohesive society through collective effort and shared resources. Who knew that a simple bowl of noodles could be so politically profound?
"The People's Pasta": In a communist utopia, everyone has access to the same basic necessities, including food. Ramen, with its humble origins as a staple food for the masses, embodies this principle perfectly. It's the ultimate comfort food for the proletariat!
"Revolutionary Ramen Revelry": Forget bourgeois cuisine—ramen is the food of the people! Whether you're sharing a bowl with comrades or fueling up for a long day of protest, nothing says "down with the establishment" quite like a steaming bowl of noodles.
"The Great Broth of China": Much like the Great Wall, ramen has a way of bringing people together across cultural and political divides. Whether you're in Beijing or Brooklyn, a love for noodles knows no bounds. It's the international symbol of culinary solidarity!
"Equal Parts Broth and Redistribution": Just like a perfectly balanced bowl of ramen, communism aims to distribute resources equally among all members of society. With every slurp of noodles, you're not just enjoying a delicious meal—you're embracing the spirit of economic egalitarianism!
"Noodle Nation Building": Much like the intricate process of building a flavorful ramen broth, communism seeks to build a strong, cohesive society through collective effort and shared resources. Who knew that a simple bowl of noodles could be so politically profound?
"The People's Pasta": In a communist utopia, everyone has access to the same basic necessities, including food. Ramen, with its humble origins as a staple food for the masses, embodies this principle perfectly. It's the ultimate comfort food for the proletariat!
"Revolutionary Ramen Revelry": Forget bourgeois cuisine—ramen is the food of the people! Whether you're sharing a bowl with comrades or fueling up for a long day of protest, nothing says "down with the establishment" quite like a steaming bowl of noodles.
"The Great Broth of China": Much like the Great Wall, ramen has a way of bringing people together across cultural and political divides. Whether you're in Beijing or Brooklyn, a love for noodles knows no bounds. It's the international symbol of culinary solidarity!
1 year ago
Can't have shit in Detroit
The city is not specified i'm just assuming but here are a few other things that definitely got stolen in Detroit:
"The Elusive Patio Furniture Pilfering": Imagine waking up to find your entire patio set missing from your backyard. Not just the chairs or the table—everything, from the umbrella to the barbecue grill! How the thieves managed to sneak away with such bulky items without anyone noticing remains a head-scratcher for the ages.
"The Curious Case of the Absent Air Conditioners": In the midst of a scorching summer, residents were left sweating bullets when their window air conditioners mysteriously vanished overnight. The logistics of hauling these heavy units out of apartment windows without anyone hearing—or feeling—the commotion boggle the mind.
"The Great Garden Hose Heist": Picture this: an entire neighborhood's worth of garden hoses disappearing without a trace. The culprits must have been masters of stealth to make off with these unwieldy, snaking tubes of rubber undetected. How they managed to wrangle them into a getaway car is anyone's guess!
"The Vanishing Vacuum Cleaner Vendetta": Vacuum cleaners may not seem like the most glamorous targets for theft, but try telling that to the residents who woke up to find their trusty cleaning companions missing from their closets. Maneuvering these bulky appliances through narrow hallways and down flights of stairs without raising suspicion is no small feat.
"The Mysterious Mattress Mystery": In a puzzling turn of events, an entire apartment building's worth of mattresses disappeared overnight, leaving residents scratching their heads—and their backs—in confusion. The logistics of sneaking these unwieldy sleep surfaces out of cramped urban dwellings without arousing suspicion defy all logic.
"The Elusive Patio Furniture Pilfering": Imagine waking up to find your entire patio set missing from your backyard. Not just the chairs or the table—everything, from the umbrella to the barbecue grill! How the thieves managed to sneak away with such bulky items without anyone noticing remains a head-scratcher for the ages.
"The Curious Case of the Absent Air Conditioners": In the midst of a scorching summer, residents were left sweating bullets when their window air conditioners mysteriously vanished overnight. The logistics of hauling these heavy units out of apartment windows without anyone hearing—or feeling—the commotion boggle the mind.
"The Great Garden Hose Heist": Picture this: an entire neighborhood's worth of garden hoses disappearing without a trace. The culprits must have been masters of stealth to make off with these unwieldy, snaking tubes of rubber undetected. How they managed to wrangle them into a getaway car is anyone's guess!
"The Vanishing Vacuum Cleaner Vendetta": Vacuum cleaners may not seem like the most glamorous targets for theft, but try telling that to the residents who woke up to find their trusty cleaning companions missing from their closets. Maneuvering these bulky appliances through narrow hallways and down flights of stairs without raising suspicion is no small feat.
"The Mysterious Mattress Mystery": In a puzzling turn of events, an entire apartment building's worth of mattresses disappeared overnight, leaving residents scratching their heads—and their backs—in confusion. The logistics of sneaking these unwieldy sleep surfaces out of cramped urban dwellings without arousing suspicion defy all logic.
1 year ago
Dogs are smarter then we give them credit for
They absolutely can manipulate us. Because we're dumb? Maybe all we know is that dogs are smarter then all of us reading and writing this and here's a few reasons why:
The Fetch Fiasco: "Because while the dog's out there fetching sticks like a pro athlete, the reader's still trying to figure out why they threw the stick in the first place. It's like watching a game of fetch with a chess master and a checkers champ!"
The Paws for Thought: "Because while the dog's busy solving complex equations like 'Where's the nearest fire hydrant?', the reader's struggling with basic arithmetic like 'How many treats are in a dozen?' Hint: it's not 'a lot.'"
The Bark Brigade Brainwave: "Because while the dog's barking up the right tree to catch squirrels, the reader's still trying to figure out why they can't find their car keys in the fruit bowl. Spoiler alert: they're not fruits, and they don't belong there!"
The Tail-Wagging Takeover: "Because while the dog's mastered the art of diplomacy with the neighbor's cat, the reader's still arguing with their own reflection in the mirror. Who's the real 'good boy' here? Hint: not the one with the reflection."
The Canine Conundrum: "Because while the dog's got street smarts and knows all the neighborhood gossip, the reader's still trying to decipher the hieroglyphics on their takeout menu. Who needs a translator when you've got a furry friend with all the answers?"
The Fetch Fiasco: "Because while the dog's out there fetching sticks like a pro athlete, the reader's still trying to figure out why they threw the stick in the first place. It's like watching a game of fetch with a chess master and a checkers champ!"
The Paws for Thought: "Because while the dog's busy solving complex equations like 'Where's the nearest fire hydrant?', the reader's struggling with basic arithmetic like 'How many treats are in a dozen?' Hint: it's not 'a lot.'"
The Bark Brigade Brainwave: "Because while the dog's barking up the right tree to catch squirrels, the reader's still trying to figure out why they can't find their car keys in the fruit bowl. Spoiler alert: they're not fruits, and they don't belong there!"
The Tail-Wagging Takeover: "Because while the dog's mastered the art of diplomacy with the neighbor's cat, the reader's still arguing with their own reflection in the mirror. Who's the real 'good boy' here? Hint: not the one with the reflection."
The Canine Conundrum: "Because while the dog's got street smarts and knows all the neighborhood gossip, the reader's still trying to decipher the hieroglyphics on their takeout menu. Who needs a translator when you've got a furry friend with all the answers?"