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1 year ago

A+ for effort

But why not own two copies of your favorite book? Have you people never heard of redundancy? Here are some reasons why you should have a whole bookshelf of your favorite book!

"The Literary Multiplicity Maneuver": Owning multiple copies of your favorite book ensures that you'll always have a spare handy in case of emergencies—like spontaneous book club meetings or surprise literary-themed parties. Who needs a first aid kit when you can have a first edition kit?

"The Bibliophile Back-Up Plan": With multiple copies of your favorite book, you'll never have to suffer the heartbreak of lending it to a friend and never getting it back. Who needs trust when you can have a personal library that rivals the Library of Congress?

"The Page-Turning Polygamy Principle": Owning multiple copies of your favorite book allows you to explore new dimensions of its literary greatness—like reading it in different fonts, sizes, and languages. Who needs a passport when you can travel the world through the pages of your favorite novel?

"The Literary Loyalty Lottery": With multiple copies of your favorite book, you can play a high-stakes game of literary roulette and give away copies to unsuspecting strangers like a modern-day book fairy. Who needs random acts of kindness when you can spread literary joy?

"The Bookish Investment Instinct": Owning multiple copies of your favorite book is like diversifying your literary portfolio—you never know which edition will skyrocket in value and make you a millionaire overnight. Who needs stocks and bonds when you can invest in first editions and leather-bound classics?


