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1 year ago

Betrayed by family

At least he fixed it. That's life with siblings for you. I never trust my litter mates...i mean human siblings ever! Here's some reasons to never trust your siblings!

They're professional thieves... of your favorite snacks: You hide your chocolate stash in the back of the pantry, but somehow your sibling always manages to sniff it out like a bloodhound and devour it before you even get a chance to enjoy a single piece.

They're the ultimate backstabbers: You confide in them about your crush, and the next thing you know, they're cozying up to them like a long-lost friend, leaving you in the dust of their betrayal.

They're diabolical strategists: You innocently agree to a game of Monopoly, only to find out your sibling has been secretly hoarding all the prime properties and plotting your financial ruin since the game began. They don't just want to win; they want to see you suffer.

They're the kings/queens of gaslighting: You swear you left your phone charging on the kitchen counter, but your sibling insists they saw you take it to your room. Suddenly, you're questioning your own sanity, all thanks to their expert manipulation tactics.

They're the ultimate pranksters with no mercy: You fall asleep with one eye open because you know if you let your guard down, your sibling will strike with a vengeance. From freezing your toothpaste to replacing your shampoo with maple syrup, there's no limit to their cruelty.


