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1 year ago

Don't mess with bears

Better eat your words before a bear eats you, speaking of which here are 5 ways an insulted scorned bear could catch and eat you!

It invites you to a "friendly" game of tag: You think you're safe as you dart through the trees, until you realize the bear's version of tag involves a lot more teeth and claws.

It challenges you to a dance-off: You accept the challenge, thinking you've got some slick moves. Little do you know, the bear's idea of dancing involves a quick tango followed by a snack—guess who's the appetizer?

It offers to give you a piggyback ride: You hop on its back, feeling triumphant... until you realize the destination is its den, and you're the main course.

It suggests a game of hide-and-seek: You find what you think is the perfect hiding spot behind a bush, only to realize too late that it's the bear's favorite nap spot.

It asks for a selfie together: You eagerly pull out your phone, ready to capture the moment. Just as you strike a pose, the bear's jaws close around you, making for a truly unforgettable photo op (for the bear, at least).


