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1 year ago

Indifferent when underpaid

My new work motto. You probably shouldn't tell this to your boss ...unless you're mad and quitting then why not! Stay toxic kings and queens! Here are 5 ways you can tell this to your boss without using the profanity that's bubbling up inside:

"I'm Like a Deflating Balloon: When pressure hits, I'm more likely to deflate like a sad party balloon than rise to the occasion like a helium-filled superhero. But hey, at least I'm consistent—just like the minimum wage."

"I'm the Anti-Firefighter: You know how firefighters rush into burning buildings to save the day? Well, I'm more like the guy standing outside selling marshmallows. When it comes to pressure, I'm more chill than a snoozing sloth.

"I'm the Human Equivalent of a Shrugging Emoji: Underpaid and under pressure? Meh. I'm as indifferent as a cat watching a mouse parade. Just don't expect any heroic acts—unless there's free pizza involved."

"I'm the Zen Master of Indifference: Picture a monk meditating on a mountaintop, completely unfazed by the chaos below. That's me when I'm underpaid and under pressure—serene, detached, and mentally cashing in on my next vacation day.

"I'm the King of Low-Stakes Poker: When the chips are down and the pressure's on, I'm more likely to fold faster than a cheap lawn chair. But hey, at least I know my worth—about as much as the office coffee machine.


