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1 year ago

You need one for math

Parents forgot how hard math is i guess maybe they buy it. If you really want that crack pipe and are an amateur crackhead who hasn't discovered the optimal car stereo stealing techniques here are some blatant lies you could try on your poor soon to disown you parents:

"Mom, Dad, I Need a Crackpipe... for My Yoga Class": Convince them that your yoga instructor is introducing a new form of relaxation therapy involving unconventional props. The crackpipe, with its soothing curves and meditative potential, is just what you need to achieve inner peace and harmony.

"Hey, Mom and Dad, I Need a Crackpipe... for My Cooking Class": Tell them your culinary arts teacher is pushing the boundaries of gourmet cuisine with avant-garde cooking techniques. The crackpipe, as it turns out, is a key utensil for achieving the perfect caramelized sugar crust on crème brûlée. Bon appétit!

"Guess What, Mom and Dad? I Need a Crackpipe... for My Mime Performance": Convince them that your mime instructor has assigned a challenging new routine that involves pantomiming the struggles of addiction. The crackpipe is a crucial prop for conveying the silent anguish of substance abuse... or so you mime.

"Mom, Dad, I Need a Crackpipe... for My Stand-Up Comedy Routine": Explain that you're testing the boundaries of comedy with a daring new routine that tackles taboo subjects head-on. The crackpipe, you argue, is a hilarious punchline waiting to happen—assuming you can smoke out the laughs, that is.

"Mom, Dad, I Need a Crackpipe... for My Skydiving Course": Convince them that your skydiving instructor has introduced a thrilling new element to the freefall experience: extreme prop-based skydiving. The crackpipe, strapped securely to your chest, adds an extra level of excitement to your descent... or so you claim, as you plummet toward the earth.


