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1 year ago

It's a you problem honey

Maybe don't just lay there. She needs to find out eventually. We recommend these methods:

"The Yelp Reviewer: Your partner suggests you start a Yelp page for your bedroom performance, complete with ratings and reviews. Let's just say, you're not getting five stars anytime soon.

"The Smoke Detector: Your bedroom escapades are so lackluster that the smoke detector starts beeping—not from passion, but from sheer boredom. Looks like it's time to spice things up before the fire department shows up.

"The Snooze Button: Your partner falls asleep mid-action, prompting you to check for a hidden snooze button on their forehead. Turns out, your performance was so boring they mistook it for bedtime.

"The GPS Navigator: Your partner suggests investing in a GPS system for the bedroom, claiming they keep getting lost in your attempts at intimacy. Looks like you're more of a lost cause than a lost treasure.

"The Fitness Tracker: Your partner suggests wearing a fitness tracker during sex to see if you can burn enough calories to justify the effort. Spoiler alert: you don't even come close to reaching your daily step goal. Looks like it's back to the drawing board—er, bedroom.


