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1 year ago

Bear WITH him!

*chuckles* I'm in danger. Though it's clear it's too late for this guy keep these methods of Ursine SOS in mind if you're ever in this type of predicament :

"The Ursine SOS:" Use the classic international signal for distress—wave your arms frantically while shouting "Help! I'm being held hostage by a bear!" Bonus points if you can incorporate some interpretive dance moves to really drive your point home.

"The Bear-y Obvious Distress Call:" If you're lucky enough to have access to your phone, send a text to your friends and family with the urgent message "SOS: Bear-napped! Send help ASAP!" It might sound like a joke, but trust us—nobody wants to mess with a bear.

"The Morse Code Mauling:" If you're feeling creative (and you happen to know Morse code), use your flashlight to send an SOS signal in bear language. Just be sure to brush up on your bear dialect first—you don't want to accidentally insult their intelligence.

"The Subtle Scream:" If all else fails, resort to the tried-and-true method of screaming your head off while flailing wildly. Sure, it might not be the most subtle approach, but desperate times call for desperate measures—and nothing says "I'm being held hostage by a bear" like a blood-curdling scream.

"The Bear-y Detailed Sign Language:" If you're a master of nonverbal communication, use your hands to signal for help in bear language. Wave your arms in a frantic manner while making exaggerated bear claw motions, and hope that someone nearby understands your plight—or at least calls animal control.


