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1 year ago

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Hopefully it was just academic. We have 5 more jobs a mortician should most likely avoid:

Wedding Planner: It might be a bit unsettling for clients to have their wedding plans overseen by someone who spends their days dealing with the deceased. Plus, the mortician's penchant for black might clash with the bride's vision of a white wedding.

Pet Groomer: While morticians are experts at preparing bodies for their final resting place, grooming fluffy pets might not be their forte. Clients might also be a tad unnerved if they catch a whiff of formaldehyde while their poodle gets a trim.

Food Critic: With their acute sense of smell, morticians might struggle to stomach some of the less-than-fragrant dishes they encounter on the job. Plus, their expertise in embalming might lead to some questionable food reviews, such as "This dish lacks flavor, much like an unembalmed corpse."

Haunted House Tour Guide: While morticians are accustomed to spending time in dark and eerie surroundings, they might inadvertently turn a haunted house tour into a lecture on proper embalming techniques. "And here we have the ghost of Mrs. McGillicuddy, who would have benefited greatly from a bit of arterial embalming..."

Cruise Ship Entertainer: While morticians have a knack for keeping a straight face in even the most somber of situations, their dry sense of humor might not always resonate with vacationers looking for lively entertainment. Plus, jokes about lifeboats and "sleeping with the fishes" might fall flat.


