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1 year ago

The female orgasm is a myth

You couldn't get that out of me by waterboarding in real life!
This made us think though! Does the female orgasm lead to socialism and dare i say it communism?
Here is what we came up with

"Communal Climaxes Create Comrades": The simultaneous release of oxytocin during female orgasms fosters feelings of bonding and empathy, leading to a sudden urge to share resources and overthrow the capitalist system. Who knew pleasure could be so politically transformative?

"Redistributing Pleasure Points": The redistribution of pleasure from the individual to the collective encourages a socialist mindset, as women realize the inherent unfairness of hoarding orgasms for oneself. From each according to her ability, to each according to her needs—especially when it comes to reaching the big O!

"The Orgasmic Equalizer": In the heat of passion, all social hierarchies dissolve as everyone strives for the common goal of mutual satisfaction. It's the ultimate leveller, where even the most ardent capitalists find themselves chanting, "From each according to their pleasure, to each according to their kink!"

"Utopia in the Sheets": The pursuit of pleasure transcends individual desire and becomes a collective endeavor, laying the groundwork for a socialist utopia where everyone's needs are met—preferably multiple times a day.

"The Orgasmic Revolution": With each climax comes a revolutionary fervor, as women awaken to their own power and demand equality in all aspects of life. It's not just about orgasms—it's about overthrowing the patriarchy one pleasure-filled revolution at a time.


